esmaspäev, 5. detsember 2016

kolmapäev, 23. november 2016

Project nr.1 - the UK

Pages you can use:
Facts about Scotland
Fun facts about countries

Use to search information. Don't forget the pictures! will help you translate the text.

neljapäev, 19. mai 2016

Form 6 - May 20

Famous Animals:

1. choose an animal (teacher Kaie has the slips-sedelid)
2. use to find information about it. Wikipedia is allowed. I've chosen the animals which have the easiest texts in wikipedia.
3. use google translate if you don't understand some words.
4. write in Word

  • title - name of the animal
  • short summary: who is it, when was it born, why is it famous, name the movies and add a picture of it. (min 10 sentences)
  • the list of used webpages
  • your name
5. print it out and give it to teacher Kaie

P.S Use your own words, don't copy and paste the sentences!
If you only copy and past, you'll have to do it again next week.

kolmapäev, 9. märts 2016

Form 5 - English (10.03)

Form 5: making comics

How to get started:

Step 1

Step 2

Under Student Login on the left, enter the following classroom code: form5 and click on the Go button

Step 3

Select your name from the name box. If this is the first time you are logging in, create your password and click Set Password.
If you have logged in before, enter the password you made on your first login and click Login